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Nasal polyps

The word "polyp" which is originally Greek which has undergone latinization and means many footed. Nasal polyps are defined as pearly white, painless, prolapsed pedunculated parts of the nasal mucosa.
What are nasal polyps?
It’s a fleshy growth of mucus secreting lining of the nose. Nasal polyps are soft, non-cancerous growths that develop in the mucus secreting lining of the nose or the sinuses. They result from chronic inflammation in the lining. It can affect any one; they are more common in adults older than 40 and in adults and children with conditions such as asthma, chronic sinus infections (chronic sinusitis), hay fever (chronic rhinitis) and cystic fibrosis.
- More common in adults
- Risk factor depends on the cause
- Life style is not a significant factor.
What are the causes? Nasal polyps in it are not a disease. They are the end product of the inflammation that may result from viral or bacterial infections, from allergies or from an immune system response to fungus. Chronic inflammation causes the blood vessels in the lining of the nose and sinuses to become more permeable, allowing water to accumulate in the cells. These waterlogged tissues, they may develop into polyps.
What are the symptoms? A person suffering from nasal polyps may feel difficulty in breathing; there is constant dripping from the nose and loss of one’s sense of smell. A person may have just one nasal polyp or have several, clustered together like grapes on a stem. Single or multiple polyps, which are very small in size, may not cause any problem, but larger ones are likely to obstruct the airways in the nose, making it difficult to breathe.
• Running nose due to excess secretion of mucus membrane
• Stuffiness
• Loss or reduced sense of smell
• Dull headaches
• Snoring
It may lead to recurrent sinusitis if the narrow channels that drain mucus from the sinuses become blocked by the polyps and the sinuses become enlarged.
Nasal polyps are classified into 2 main categories depending upon the sinus of origin
1. Ethmoidal polyps, or mucosal polyps.
2. Antrocoanal polyps.
Nasal polyposis can occur in any of the paranasal sinuses and can be unilateral, bilateral, single or multiple.
Antrochoanal polyps are usually single, unilateral polyps arising from the wall of the maxillary antrum, prolapsing into the nasal cavity through the maxillary ostium and into the nasopharynx through the choana. Rarely, one may encounter bilateral antral polyps.
Those who are likely to be affected by nasal polyps
Incidence in general population is unknown possibly between 1 % -2 %. There is higher incidence in asthmatics (20 -30 %) and even higher (49 %) in those asthmatics hypersensitive to aspirin. It is most common in middle aged men.
• Obstruction of the sinus Ostia frequently occurs and may lead to acute or chronic sinus conditions. With increased growth, polyps can cause bony destruction because they can exert pressure on bone. Polyps may cause destruction of the nasal bones or other facial bones.
• Nasal obstruction due to polyposis can also lead to hyposmia or even anosmia.
• Nasal polyps are not known to be premalignant.
Homoeopathic remedies
Homeopathic medicines not speedily remove the polyps; it also helps in stopping their recurrences by treating the underlying causes such as allergies asthma or chronic cold.
Sanguinaria- Is very effective in treating polyps that result out of chronic colds.
Teucrium - Is very effective for large polyps which cause complete loss of smell.
Teucrium- Is also more effective in treating polyps that in the posterior part of the throat.
Calcarea Carb - along with the removal of polyps also treats the bodys tendency to develop them over again.